Heat, Hawks, Hummingbirds, and Herd
The Colvin Run Habitat experienced record heat this week. Temperatures each day were about 95 degrees and mid-week saw 102 degrees. So what better way to beat the heat than by stopping by for a drink of water?This year's two fawns showed up for drinks at the water tub - and several mouthfuls of grass and holly shrub. Most interesting, and perhaps most disturbing, the fawns were not accompanied by mom. Next morning, two independent groups of deer passed in the Habitat - at least 5 fawns and 8 older deer. They appeared to be going in different directions, were spooked and scattered. Two of the younger males did some pushing - some early behaviors for the future perhaps.
In one of my typical, not-thinking moves, I came downstairs this morning and immediately bolted through the doors onto the porch - only to cause the unseen hawk perching on the feeder tree to fly into the oak tree. If only I would look before bolting. Anyway, here is that hawk two trees later. From his size, less than a crow and more than a blue jay, I am guessing it is a sharp-shinned hawk.
Hummingbird photos have been rarely posted - seems like fewer visits and certainly many fewer visits in good light. One evening this week, a hummingbird came to the feeder, then perched in the nearby dogwood tree. This photos was taken in very low light conditions, but I though I would share it.
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